Master Your Engineer’s Efficiency with Waydev

Engineers play a crucial role in the development of various technologies. However, the efficiency and performance of engineers get affected over time. According to a study, there are 18 million engineers all over the world, and due to the loss of 31.6% in their working efficiency, there is a loss of approximately $300 billion. 


To avoid the conditions and losses like these, every company and its team leaders need to adopt something new into their working style and performance of the engineers. The solutions which can be beneficial for the engineers and their team leaders are provided by Waydev. It is a software-driven, intelligent, and efficient way to find the output of engineers. Without any manual input, it collects the various data for Git repos. It uses Gitlab, Azure DevOps, Bitbucket for the research of codebase of its various clients. Waydev works on a mission of rediscovering how the companies can track the performance of their team leaders and engineers. It also helps the engineers and team leaders with better decision making.   


The different types of engineering intelligence tools used by Waydev help in giving visibility to engineers and their team leaders. With the help of these tools, the data collection in Git repositories highlights the trends, bottlenecks, and output of the engineers. Each tool provides a different approach and techniques for measuring the performance of different teams.  


There are several tools, metrics, alerts, and reports which are used by Waydev to solve the issues like technical debt, inefficient process, and degrading performance of your engineering teams. Apart from it, they have more products and tools that can help in the management of engineers and team leaders. One of the products is Bird’s eye, this product gives a wide vision of performance. It tells about the habits of the team members and understands the real-time efficiency which helps the development of work velocity.


Birds’ eye also helps in keeping the team leaders aware of the ways that are needed for achieving different goals. Another product from their list is the Sprints, which simplifies the sprint print checking of the engineers. It also simplifies the way for visualization with the use of a forecast or simulation model. 


Trusted by more than 300 companies around the globe, Waydev with its different products, tools, and techniques shows the real-life benefits. This eventually helps in increasing the efficiency and output of the engineers but also reduce the work stress. It aids the team to avoid any hindrance and making it easier to demonstrate the business value.  


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